Study Material -
Practice Basics No. 1
Important terms you should know when starting a serious training process within a physical practice.
Learning & knowing them will help to communicate and understand theory and practice way better. It's the fundament on which you can build your practice.
Practice Basics No. 2
The shoulder joint is the most flexible joint of the human body. We can move it through different positions which leads to a change in position in the joint. To know and understand the different positions of the shoulder joint is not only important for further development, but also for preventing and healing processes.
Practice Basics No. 3
Also get to know and feel the three basic pelvis positions. We talk about neutral (NOT NORMAL), posterior pelvic tilt (PPT) and anterior pelvic tilt (APT). For PPT you want to tilt the pelvis back making the lower back flat. For APT you can imagine a tub filled with water in front of your stomach, which you empty by tilting the pelvis forward. Neutral is when your Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS) and the Pubic bone are even.
Practice Basics No. 4
Some important introductory words and cues for working with the upper and lower body. Really important to apply them directly and mostly (I deliberately do not say ALWAYS) in your physical practice.
Practice Basics No. 5
One principle really is super important for us and this is the Rib-Pelvis Connection. Understanding this huge principle to which you already got introduced in the video before is a game changer.
Practice Basics No. 6
Breathing is important, this should be known. Have you already dealt with the topic of breathing? There are many different breathing techniques that are useful in different scenarios. What is useful in training? A possible answer can be found in the video.